We have something like 1300 projects under our belt over twelve years. After each and every one, we refine and perfect the way we do things. In the end, though, it can be pretty simple (which translates into a painless, efficient, on-schedule, and effective).



First, we CONNECT. It’s obvious, but we first need to have a phone call, an email exchange, or meet in person.

We work to UNDERSTAND your goals, your audience, and your message. Together we discuss references - what have you seen that you’ve liked - and frame the basics of a project. We go over timelines and deadlines, and prepare the basic creative direction.

We build a SCOPE of work and ESTIMATE costs. While this is often the first thing everyone wants to know, projects come in all shapes and sizes. We can build the scope based on an existing budget amount, or base cost on the project needs. It’s not always about runtime, either. Things like shoot days, locations, travel, talent, development, editing, and animation all influence the scope and budget. Simply put, the more complex a project is, the more it may cost.  

We come to an AGREEMENT. Together we work to understand everything we can about a project and what the end film’s look and feel will be. We agree on scope and cost, as well as any other parameters of the production. 




We solidify the PLAN. We schedule days of filming and editing, firm up the production schedule, and plan editing and revision time. With the timeline in order, we collaborate on any outstanding creative development, and get ready to shoot. We’ll be talking through interview options or voiceover scripting, what visuals we’d like to capture, and working through the logistics to make it all happen.




Then we FILM. This is what we’re all waiting for, where the rubber hits the road, and what we all think of when we hear the term video production. We record all of the pieces we need to bring a project to life and bring it back to the studio to be edited. 

The EDIT is where the magic happens. We bring all of the filmed material back to the studio and feed it into our machines. We review every clip, edit everything down to the best parts, and bring the story to life. There’s so much that goes into this, but we’re here to make it easy on you.

We REVISE until it’s perfect. The rough draft and revision process is where we work together to polish the film, make changes, get feedback, and craft the most effective final draft. This part is often the most fun because you really see it all come together.




We FINALIZE and DELIVER. Seeing all the hard work come together and have the film in your hands is exciting for us. We’re here to support you as you publish the work, lend any advice we can, and of course share, like, retweet, fave, and yell from the rooftops.